
Nonna Cannabis | THE BEST RECIPES WITH CANNABIS | Discover the cannabis world! icw-icon

By Pharmamedic United Kingdom

Korte beschrijving

Of course, unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last few years, you’re probably now aware that there are a ton of benefits of cooking with cannabis that have absolutely nothing to do with getting stoney baloney’d. But wait, it gets better. Where 30 years ago the only real products on the market were pot brownies, the world of edibles has expanded drastically over the last few years. I’m talking everything from cannabis-infused three-mushroom stews and macaroni and cheese, to things like cannabis caramel sauce and fucking weed-infused Thai iced tea. There are entire cookbooks dedicated solely to helping you become a red-eyed master chef. If you aren’t cooking with cannabis yet, now’s definitely the time to start.

Volledige beschrijving

The best Recipes with Cannabis You will definitely find recipes to suit your tastes in this classic cookbook. It is great for newcomers or medical patients who do not have experience cooking with marijuana. With this book you will be able to expand your general cooking knowledge along with your knowledge of cooking with this special ingredient.

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Nonna Cannabis


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